Please advice how the calcium/vit d helps, changes your recipes. This is the first time I have heard anyone using it in their baking. I am very intrigued by its use. - Thank you.
I can't really speak for the author, but I've used those ingredients in my cooking as well, so I can speak to why I personally used them. With having to eliminate dairy from DS's diet we found that we needed to find alternative sources of protein and calcium. Adding brown rice protein powder and calcium powder to baked goods was one additional way we could help meet those nutritional needs.
Hi Christie, I didn't create the original recipe, but I can share my thoughts on using those ingredients in baking since I have used them as well. The brown rice powder helps increase the protein content of the dough. Many gluten-free flour blends do not have much protein and without protein, there isn't much "structure". Additionally, from a nutritional standpoint, you're increasing the grams of protein per serving by adding some brown rice protein powder. For the calcium, again, on an...
I've used calcium powder in baked goods too.....I use it in the form of calcium ascorbate. I've used it as a calcium supplement plus an acidifier for the recipe.Often I put a tsp or so into a muffin recipe to get more calcium in my family. None of us drink milk or an alternative regularly, so I know it's something missing in our diets. I know many use protein powder especially in gluten free baking to increase the protein content of their flour mix. It can help with the structure and...
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