This study is saying "correlation does not equal causation" to me. The hygiene hypothesis would be great except it does not explain babies born with food allergies on Day One of Life, like my daughter. We are not avid cleaners, our unwashed dishes sit around for days, we visit farms several times a year and muck about, are outside getting dirty all the time and we don't bathe our kids very often. I am more inclined to believe food allergies have something to do with the way our public...
I think we've learned no one study will ever explain everything....My DS had antibiotics the first two weeks of life, his father had a milk allergy as an infant, and much later I found out his uncle had soy and wheat, and EVEN LATER (like last year) I found out my ex-father in law also had a milk allergy as a baby and was failure to thrive.I think even if I lived on a farm and let him roll in the mud with the pigs, that combo would have been hard to overcome!
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