Am I mistaken, or does the label clearly state both that it contains cashews and almonds and also that it is processed on shared machinery and may contain fragments of other tree nuts? I am not trying at all to be snarky, just wondering what I am missing here as I try to check labels and check the recalls monthly, if not weekly for my son's allergies. Thank you.
That's a really great question! The issue is that it doesn't declare cashew and pecan separately. The FDA labeling requirements are that the specific nuts must be specified - https://www.kidswithfoodallerg...-protection-act.aspx Edited to add: I do see where it specifies cashews, but maybe they are also present in another item. I don't know.
Aha! That makes sense. And I can see where that would be a problem. Particularly since we can all be in a rush when purchasing items and have to check label after label carefully. Thanks for the clarification and the link.
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