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Tagged With "Rescue Squad"

Tagged With "Rescue Squad"

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    She does not let anything slow her down. She is a straight A student, does both squad and competition cheer, and very active in both local and international mission work. She is just very aware of what she touches and what touches her (last anaphylactic episode was from touching a cup that someone else had touched). She carries her EpiPens in her school bag, another set in her cheer bag, and her cheer coach carries a set. I work with the coaches on food during travel (they had to remove...
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    That is an interesting question! In fact, it is never a given that any squad will have epinephrine. Where I live, basic life support squads (BLS, and most often volunteers) have to apply to the state (NJ) to carry it, and then they use auto-injectors. Advanced EMTs, or paramedics from hospitals - I am not sure what they carry but I think they are auto-injectors - I read there is one state out west that started carrying ampules and syringes to cut down on cost. There are other companies that...
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    That's a really good question. And my understanding is that some carry ampules and some carry autoinjectors. And depending on the squad they send, they may or may not be authorized to inject. This all varies by locality. So, you really do need to contact your local first responders and find out what they do carry.