Fantastic!! This would make a great poster to hang on the wall at parties. Hint, hint to all non-allergy guests. Great conversational starter too. Sending hugs your way.
Love all of these tips; we follow a lot of them! I've found it very helpful to reach out to our son's teachers at the end of each month to ask if there are any special events involving food coming up in the following month (e.g. holiday treats, birthday parties, pizza parties, ice cream parties, etc.). If yes, we find out what is being served so we can bring in something similar for our food allergy kiddo so he is safe and included. It has worked really well so far and the teachers are happy...
Happy these tips are helping @Biancav and @JKLM ! That's a great addition, JKLM. If you have specific questions at any time you're always welcome to ask them on the community forums as well! Always willing to listen and support too.
Advocate for a no food policy for classroom celebrations in your local schools--it's made such a positive impact in so many ways in our local district. I'm grateful it was already policy when my FA kid entered K.
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