I never can find this in a store. I love their Veganaise with the purple top. I so missed BLTs and chicken salad. With Veganaise, tofu and xantham gum, I can even make crab cakes like my MIL (lots of bread crumbs) but it holds together.
Mustard - he had a hot dog, which included it as a hidden spice. He threw it up within the hour and had profuse rhinitis as well (sneezing/discharge from nose). We added that to the testing list at his next appointment. Chick peas, I honestly don't remember, it was so long ago. It may have been a rash around his mouth and itchiness. Shellfish is new. He was eating shrimp ok. He didn't really like it but I chopped it up small and gave it to him about once a month. Then I sort of fell off that...
That is definitely a concern StephC and something we tried to highlight. Most of the hotels I've been in lately have gone to "pod" type systems - but not K-cups. And they tend to only have regular and decaf coffee. I don't know if many people travel w/ their own flavored coffee, but it's certainly a possible issue. As Allison alluded to, Mel and I wound up cooking in a hotel room one night. We were at an AAFA function and a storm calling for flash flooding was rolling in. There were no safe...
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