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Tagged With "dairy-free"

Tagged With "dairy-free"

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    Yes you can! I'm part of a vegan meringue Facebook group--it's called Vegan Meringue Hits and Misses--and many people have posted successful royal icing recipes. Please try and share!
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    Hello and thanks for posting!! We found them at Whole Foods, and a local grocery store chain that has a large selection of vegan/gluten free/allergy-friendly products and regularly stocks many Earth Balance products. Earth Balance does have a store finder: , but of course that doesn't tell you what stores carry what products, just that *some* Earth Balance products may be carried there. At least it could give you a place to start when calling...
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    I know this post is old, but I figured I should add to it since this thread is what I found when searching for this on KFA. I called EB today and they told me the vegan cheddar squares are processed on the same line as products containing soy and milk. I cannot remember what they said about egg since I wrote them off at soy and peanuts on the line or in the facility. no tree nuts on the line but there are in same facility. Hope this helps someone! Obviously call and confirm...
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    Originally Posted by chrissyvalenti: I know this post is old, but I figured I should add to it since this thread is what I found when searching for this on KFA. I called EB today and they told me the vegan cheddar squares are processed on the same line as products containing soy and milk. I cannot remember what they said about egg since I wrote them off at soy and peanuts on the line or in the facility. no tree nuts on the line but there are in same facility. Hope this helps...
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    I did not ask, but good point. We do trust other brands who have good allergy protocol with cleaning/testing...but those brands are better about having info on packages and websites. The woman I spoke to basically said if you are allergic to those things I wouldn't recommend using the product. but sometimes the right questions make all the difference...maybe I will call back.
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    I found that these seemed to always come put sticky, but putting them in a convection oven at 170° for an hour or so (or using a food dehydrator) helped make them crisp! Also, once you have the meringue ready, the quicker you get them all piped, the better they will hold their shape (the second batch seemed a bit flat). Thanks for posting this recipie, I wanted to make meringues that my boyfriend (who has an egg allergy) could eat, and everyone who has tried them has said they are good!
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    Thanks for sharing those tips! I've found they feel a little sticky when they first come out of the oven, but then they are OK after they cool. The last time I made some, I flavored them with lemon extract. They were sooooo good and tasted like a lemon meringue pie cloud!
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    Welcome, Gillian! That was so sweet of you to come up with a safe recipe for your fellow! What kind of aquafaba did you use? If you need any other egg-free recipes, you can check out the Safe Eats ® Recipe Database . It's searchable by allergen.
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    Hi Kathy, Yes, I would assume this would do nicely with celery instead of mushroom. I've not made it myself (I'm just now convincing myself that it's okay to eat celery twice a year ). I would suggest replacing the 1 cup of mushrooms with about 3/4 cup diced celery. For the cream of mushroom soup, it is delicious on pasta -- I mix it with broccoli and served on gluten-free pasta. Also--good for casserole; but if you're storing it before use, it will really thicken/condense (garbanzo flour is...
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    My son has celiac disease and have been looking for something to substitute for the cream soups that are in so many traditional recipes. I made this tonight to try it on green bean casserole minus the French onions and it was amazing. Way better than the can stuff! Thank you so much.
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    My son just turned 2 and was diagnosed at 18 months. I also have a 4yr old daughter that is dairy free. She can tolerate baked dairy pretty well, but we eliminate all other major dairy sources. Both of my children have also had severe GERD since birth. Jill
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    Samismama, I do not, but they are a very allergy-aware company, so I encourage you to call and ask or check their website for details about sesame. Keep in mind that they are also at ExpoWest this weekend, not in the office, so they likely won't have anyone available to answer your questions until they return sometime next week.
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    The price of these are expensive compared to other pastas, but since they have so much more protein and fiber, maybe it would be a good idea to mix these with your current gluten-free pasta to boost the nutrition of your meal. (If you can't afford to use these solely.)
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    I can't really speak for the author, but I've used those ingredients in my cooking as well, so I can speak to why I personally used them. With having to eliminate dairy from DS's diet we found that we needed to find alternative sources of protein and calcium. Adding brown rice protein powder and calcium powder to baked goods was one additional way we could help meet those nutritional needs.
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    Hi Christie, I didn't create the original recipe, but I can share my thoughts on using those ingredients in baking since I have used them as well. The brown rice powder helps increase the protein content of the dough. Many gluten-free flour blends do not have much protein and without protein, there isn't much "structure". Additionally, from a nutritional standpoint, you're increasing the grams of protein per serving by adding some brown rice protein powder. For the calcium, again, on an...
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    I've used calcium powder in baked goods too.....I use it in the form of calcium ascorbate. I've used it as a calcium supplement plus an acidifier for the recipe.Often I put a tsp or so into a muffin recipe to get more calcium in my family. None of us drink milk or an alternative regularly, so I know it's something missing in our diets. I know many use protein powder especially in gluten free baking to increase the protein content of their flour mix. It can help with the structure and...
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    I don't really know how to cook (thanks, food allergies, for making me learn!). How would I turn this into cream of chicken? Also, what kind of flour could I use if not using this recipe right away? (so it won't thicken so much)
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    To do cream of chicken, I normally saute onion and celery minced in the oil. Add the flour and blend that all up. Then instead of milk substitute, I use chicken stock. I generally use a rice flour blend - there is one called Kathy P's brown rice flour mix which is my go to. You can us? A commercial blend. I habe not tried it with garbanzo like this recioe. I use 1 tbsp fat, 1 tbsp flour, and 1 cup stock for a slightly thickened sauce. If I want it thicker, I go up to 1.5 tbsp fat/flour...
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    Couple of questions: 1) How long can this safely be stored in the fridge (i.e. could I make it this weekend and use it in a recipe Tuesday night?) 2) I suppose this could also be used as a base in a pot pie recipe for leftovers next weekend - if it does store, or can it be frozen? and 3) Does the coconut taste come through? (not a coconut fan...) I have never made a green bean casserole but now I want to try!
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    Hi Allison! I haven't made this recipe specifically, so I'm not sure on the storing or freezing of it, but I can answer your third question. We use the unsweetened coconut milk all the time--in the green SoDelicious box (the picture above shows the "original" SoDelicious coconut milk, which is slightly sweetened), in savory dishes like mac n' cheese, and mashed potatoes and we've never noticed a coconut flavor at all.
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    I don't find the green SoDe has a coconut flavor. I'm not a big fan of coconut flavor either, and that is my go to milk sub. I'm not sure how long it will store in the fridge. Some thickeners hold up better than others and I haven't use garbanzo flour. I find most times, if I use a gf flour mix, thickened things hold up pretty well or even get a little too thick and need to be thinned a little when I reheat it. I'd probably not keep it more than 3 days in the fridge. But that's more based on...
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    Thank you! Thank you! This was awesome in green bean casserole. I made a whole dairy free thanksgiving. I find it hard to tell my 5 year old (milk & peanut) he can't eat something and my husband loved it. It's his favorite and he said it was awesome. So if I could reach through the internet and hug you, I would.
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    I can't speak to this recipe, but because we avoid corn, I make a corn free (but NOT safe for milk or wheat food allergies) version of condensed cream of mushroom soup, with cream and flour , and I freeze it very successfully. This is despite the fact that most freezer resources tell you that you can't freeze cream-based, flour-based sauces without a loss of taste or texture. True, if you were using this as cream of mushroom soup, you'd need to add more milk to adjust for the thickness of...