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Tagged With "peanut allergy"

Tagged With "peanut allergy"

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    Sesame seed is non top eight allergen so it would be safest to call them directly. There are two different Synders companies One is Synders of Hanover the other is Synders of Berlin bith make pretzels so you may luck out with one if the other isn’t safe good luck
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    I have a quick question. If I submit a recipe, KWFA then owns it? If KWFA reprints the recipe or uses it, would I be mentioned as the original creator or do I loose all rights to it once I submit? Thanks!
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    This is so stinkin cute! Amazing job with the table setting and styling. Thanks for sharing
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    Too cute!
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    Thank you! I am so happy to share this one with everyone and I have to admit - this birthday cake and set up was my favorite project I have done. My kids loved the nearly 6 foot barn and farm animals I made so much that we used it as a wall decoration in their play room afterwards!
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    That's so cool that you could use the decorations after too!
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    Welcome to KFA NTouch. One less thing to worry about is always good! I hope you will check out our forums and let us know how we can help.
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    AWESOME!!! I know that SLIT is awesome for environmental allergies. My almost 6 yr old daughter has been getting treatment for her enviros for 2 years, and has made unbelievable progress, and even lost a few lesser allergies, while all are so amazingly better I can barely believe it! (We observe the results in real life, not just with testing. She can now play in grass w/out head to toe hives!!!) I do think that SLIT will be a viable option for some food allergies. What exciting news!
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    Is this a published study and do you have a citation? All I can find are new clips like this (that will probably get kids sent to the hospital.)I can't tell from any of the articles I've read say if the study was controlled for peanut component since kids are allergic to different proteins. I also wonder what the side effects were to ingesting that much bacteria. Gut flora is an ecosystem of it's own, and disrupting it may have consequences.
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    Hi, thank you for noticing! This is the citation; I read the study and I don't recall if they looked at different components, I would have to check again. We tried to make it clear that this is really just a first step and that parents should never, ever attempt to replicate medical studies at home! The citation is: Administration of a probiotic with peanut oral immunotherapy: A randomized trial Tang, Mimi L.K. et al. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology A press release to the research...
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    Thank you for sharing the citation. I read the abstract as the full text wasn't available. They did not control for peanut component, just skin test wheal size. I wonder why since such a difference has been shown with the components... I'd like to open up a question too as I noticed the study included very young children. I'm a mom with a peanut allergic kid and I want there to be research done, but I'm in an ethical conundrum when it comes to putting my kid in a study. I'm just not sure it...
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    Hmmm. Good question! I'm not a doctor, but I can throw out some theories based on conversations I have had with doctors, plus my family's own experience with medical studies. I'm thinking that there may be a difference in how food allergy works or presents in children vs. adults, so the results would not be the same. Logistically, depending on the study, visits may require you to see a doctor somewhat often - it varies on the study. One I just looked at was every two weeks. If you work FT...
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    Thanks for your thoughtful response! We parents are faced with some difficult choices aren't we? How did you discover you child was allergic to things like mustard and chickpeas? My kid is swearing a Twizzler made her throat hurt, but she's not real trustworthy right now, she eats another flavor of them all the time and the ingredients are identical. I thin she didn't like this flavor and wanted the "yummy medicine" like her brother had moments before when dinner made his mouth itch. We are...
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    Mustard - he had a hot dog, which included it as a hidden spice. He threw it up within the hour and had profuse rhinitis as well (sneezing/discharge from nose). We added that to the testing list at his next appointment. Chick peas, I honestly don't remember, it was so long ago. It may have been a rash around his mouth and itchiness. Shellfish is new. He was eating shrimp ok. He didn't really like it but I chopped it up small and gave it to him about once a month. Then I sort of fell off that...
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    Wow! What a tough journey. I love shrimp but am kind of afraid to try it with my kid. We had a bad experience with trying TN at home. I would advise your friend with the PN daughter to take it in careful steps. I thought my DD was PN only and gave her almonds, it went fine. Then I gave her cashews and we called 911.... First step is peanut component blood test. Apparently there are several different proteins in the peanut one can be allergic to. Some proteins track towards "outgrowing" it,...
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    Yes, there is what is called "component testing" which can help predict the chances of outgrowing and/or passing an oral challenge based on which proteins you react to. All tree nuts are lumped together, but botanically/allergenically, there are different categories. The big problems is that they are all often processed together making everything cross contaminated. That's why a lot will recommend avoiding all tree nuts and peanuts if you are allergic even to just one. The chances of cross...
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    She is 6 and loves cooking with me. She's also a great reader and we practice with labels. One thing I've wondered.... Do you know of a book that teaches kids the different names of nuts in a fun way? I learned by eating them, but when you avoid nuts it is hard to teach a kid all the names and shapes to be alert for. Thanks for all the feedback. I can't tell you how much I appreciate this website.
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    Eliezrah - this is in reference to the LEAP study that was announced at AAAAI last weekend. You can read more about it here (link is also in the above article) Landmark Study May Change How We Feed Peanut Butter To Infants
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    Thank you doctors for posting this. I have wondered what I could've, should've, or would've done better, different, or something. Beating myself up over it doesn't change anything. I know all those parents out there with severely peanut allergic children did not do everything the same. I actually think it would've been a lot more difficult to watch my infant have an anaphylactic reaction than my 2 year old. At least she could talk to me.
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    A free press is not free to lie, mislead, and over-hype and it is high time to hold them accountable for all the damage they are doing to kids with allergies and society in general. The press is hugely irresponsible in how they report scientific findings. Science is slow, particular, and often very inconclusive. How many kids are going to DIE because of irresponsible reporting?! We have ongoing battle with family members and school administrators who deep in their hearts believe this is our...
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    I will be watching this like a hawk...My son has had the peanut allergy all his life along with non verbal autism...getting rid of this allergy is hugely important to me due to him someday living in a group home type setting and not having to worry about the staff feeding him the wrong thing and killing him....the autism I can handle...its not going to kill him, but the peanuts will.
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    Hi Goodsammy, The issue of introducing peanuts to babies is not whole peanuts or even peanut butter; it's peanut protein that would be in something like bamba , a baby biscuit that has peanut protein in it. But to answer your question, studies have been done that show that dry roasted peanuts appear to be more allergenic than boiled peanuts. Lynda
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    Sadly, when it comes to airline travel it is not just the potential food allergens, but the animal dander as well. I have a severe allergic reaction to all dogs, and a potentially fatal reaction to cats. It doesn't matter if they are 4 rows away or 40, the hazard is there, especially in a tin can of pressurized air. I try to travel by car as much as possible, but sometimes it just isn't feasible. I try to prepare for the possibility of animals on board, and can semi control when exposed to a...
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    It would not matter whether the pet was on the plane or not, the pet owners are covered in their pet dander you are going to react to the owners if the pets are left at home. While we too deal with significant allergies that prevent us from using public/ private(airlines are a private industry) transit as much as we would like for our child, it isn't the worlds job to go pet free, peanut free, dairy free, corn free, gluten free, soy free- etc. We simply drive and do what we can to keep her...