Kids With Food Allergies (KFA), a division of the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA), hosted a free educational webinar on March 10, 2015 called Off to Camp with Food Allergies.
The webinar featured Michael Pistiner, MD, MMSc a pediatric allergist for Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates and voluntary instructor of pediatrics at Boston Children's Hospital, and Nancy Polmear-Swendris, MEd RN, the program coordinator for the University of Michigan's Food Allergy Program and a medical advisor for Kids With Food Allergies. Ms. Polmear-Swendris has also been a camp nurse for 30 years.
Dr. Pistiner and Ms. Polmear-Swendris discussed:
- How to choose a camp
- What questions to ask of camp staff (do they have food allergy policies in place, who does the training, what is the return rate for camp staff, and more)
- How to store epinephrine at camp
- Basic food allergy management for camp
We thank Mylan Specialty for providing an unrestricted sponsorship for this webinar.

Welcome to Camps at AllergyHome (Dr. Pistiner's website)
Preventing Life-Threatening Food Allergy Emergencies At Camp: A Resource For Camp Nurses and Directors (Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America-New England Chapter)
Blog@AllergyHome – “Nut Free?” Points to Ponder
How To Choose a Camp – Safety Tips (American Camp Association)
Food Allergy Emergency Form for Babysitters, Caregivers, Camps
Use this guide to review key food allergy management principles and to inform other caretakers about your child's specific food allergies. This is a handy reference for play dates, birthday parties, camps and other drop-off situations.
What's the Big Deal about Food Allergies? (Free Community Handout)
Do you find it challenging to help people understand what it means to live with food allergies? This free two-page handout can help. The question and answer format is ideal for giving to teachers, caregivers, camp staff or anyone else who needs accurate information.
Kids With Food Allergies Support Forums
Connect with other parents learning to cope and grow with the same issues as your family.
CDC Guidelines for Schools and Early Education Centers
The CDC created guidelines for schools and early childhood education programs to help them manage the risk of food allergies and severe allergic reactions in children.
Living Confidently with Food Allergy Handbook
A free, easy to use, handbook designed to give parents the tools to keep their children with food allergies safe and happy while addressing their emotional needs. This fact based guide was reviewed by internationally recognized food allergy experts. This American and Canadian collaboration was led by Anaphylaxis Canada and is available online and in PDF.
Research, advocacy and educational resources for asthma and allergic diseases. AAFA is the nation's oldest and largest asthma and allergy advocacy organization.
Educational resources, free webinars, videos, support, recipes and more. KFA is a division of AAFA.
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