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The medicine epinephrine is critical for the treatment of a severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. People with food allergies – as well as allergies to substances like drugs, insect bites and stings, and latex – must have epinephrine with them at all times. For decades, the only option for giving epinephrine has been with an auto-injector or device that has a needle.

Some drug companies have been working on different types of epinephrine devices and delivery methods so people with allergies have more options. One type of device being developed is a nasal spray. The FDA is currently reviewing an option for nasal epinephrine. They are asking for comments from the public.

You can let the FDA know your experiences and thoughts on a nasal option for epinephrine. Submit your comments through May 10.

Note: When filling out the form, select "Individual Consumer" under "Select a Comment Category."


In your comment, here are some ideas for what you can share:

  • What it’s like to live with food allergies or other allergies that can cause anaphylaxis
  • Your experiences carrying and using epinephrine
  • How nasal epinephrine would impact your ability to carry and treat anaphylaxis
  • The importance of other epinephrine options.

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) and our food allergy division, Kids with Food Allergies (KFA) support expanding options for people with allergies who need to carry epinephrine. We thank the FDA for taking the time to hear from the food allergy community.

Join our community to follow our blog for the latest news on food allergy research and treatments. Our community also provides an opportunity to connect with others who manage these conditions for peer support.


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