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Rajbhog Distributors GA Inc. Issues Allergy Alert on Undeclared Almonds in JALEBI

For Immediate Release

August 30, 2017



(678) 924-1440


Rupesh Bhatt
(678) 924-1440
Fax - (678) 924-1441


Rajbhog Distributors GA. Inc. of Tucker GA-30084 is recalling 1467  packets of Jalebi because it may contain undeclared Almond pcs. People who have an allergy or severe sensitivity to Almonds run the risk of serious or life- threatening allergic reaction if they consume these products.

These Jalebi packets (Code number-P026 and P027) were distributed to the grocery stores located in Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Florida, Mississippi, and Tennessee. It might have reached the consumers through retail stores.

These products can be identified by visibly looking at the Jalebi packets packed in clear containers as Almonds are used as a toppings to garnish the Indian sweet, Jalebi.

As of today, there has not been single complaint reported.

This problem was highlighted by FDA inspectors while inspecting our food distribution facility. The problem was caused due to recent change in the packing of the product to enhance the appearance of the product.

The consumers who have purchased clear containers of Rajbhog brand Jalebi are urged to return to the place of purchase for a full refund.

The consumers with questions may contact the above company at (678) 924-1440 from Monday to Friday 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM.



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