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The manufacturers of most epinephrine devices offer U.S. savings programs and patient assistance programs.

Epinephrine is the only treatment for a severe allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis [anna-fih-LACK-sis]. It is only available through a prescription by your doctor. Most prescriptions come with two devices in one box.

People with food allergies should have epinephrine with them at all times. For children, this might mean that you need extra epinephrine auto-injectors. For example, your child may need to keep epinephrine at school, as well as some at after-school care. And you may want epinephrine devices that stay at home or go with you when you leave the house.

Here are savings offers for epinephrine auto-injectors and pre-filled syringes, as well as other ideas that may help you save money on drug costs. Your final copay, if any, may vary depending on your insurance plan and the deductibles for your family. Talk with your doctor about which epinephrine device is right for your family.

Savings Programs for Epinephrine Devices

Other Possible Ways to Save Money

  • Change insurance plans – If you are privately insured through work, see if you can shop around during open enrollment. If your family’s income is below a certain level, you might be offered Medicaid and/or your children might qualify under the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). This depends on your state. Visit or your state’s health insurance site.

  • Switch to the “preferred” device for your plan – If you have prescription benefits, you may save on copays by agreeing to use the epinephrine device that is on the insurance “preferred” list.

  • Use mail order – If you have prescription benefits, look into your plan’s mail order pharmacy options. This may give you a lower price or provide more two-packs of medicine for the same price. Many mail order prescription plans provide patients with a three month’s supply of medicine for the cost of two month’s copay.

  • Talk with your doctor – If you have insurance, talk with your doctor. Sometimes they can write the prescription so you can get more sets of medicine for one copay. Typically, a two-pack of epinephrine auto-injectors is considered a 30-day supply under your prescription plan. A doctor might write the prescription for six auto-injectors (three two-packs) to be filled at once. This could then be filled through the mail order pharmacy, as described above.

  • Shop around – Call around to different pharmacies. Prices can vary, especially between large chain pharmacies and smaller independent pharmacies. Be aware that the pharmacies at club stores such as Costco and Sam’s Club are generally available to non-members too.

  • Check with your local children’s hospital – This option may work if your child sees doctors at a major children’s hospital. Ask if they have any grants or patient assistance programs that can help pay for your child’s prescription.

  • Talk with your employer – If you have medical insurance through an employer, contact their human resources department. Explain that your insurance will not cover a life-saving medicine for you or your child. Sometimes, if you have a generous employer, they will try to help you.

Get answers about managing your child's food allergies on our online forums.


Updated January 2024

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I can't get a cost. My CVS says all epi's are recalled. Mine expires in May, but can't get any replacements. I'm told none are available.

Anyone know if the expiration date can be stretched? I can't be without an epi, but can't replace it according to the pharmacy.


The doctor said he did not know about the problem. Keep calling around. Apparently, Epi pens were recalled about three weeks ago. The pharmacies I spoke to will not sell epi pens until the new, post recall, pens have been sent to them. They do not want the liability. If you need an epi at this time, call 911.


You're right - the pharma company websites aren't updated yet for 2018 and the coupons all expired 12/31/17. I'm trying to fill prescriptions now and don't have a valid coupon! How do I get an updated one?


KristaB, have you tried calling the contact number on the pharma company in question? They may be able to give you a timeline or a coupon that would work.

Also, could you talk to your pharmacist or doctor? They may be able to reach out to their pharmaceutical reps for answers or a coupon, or even samples of some medications.

I know that KFA is awesome about updating all this -- so keep an eye for updates. 



No, I haven't called the pharma companies. My pharmacist is great though and he's on top of it. I wanted to see what he came up with first before trying to call pharma companies - that just seems like a runaround waiting to happen! I just found this site though, so I will keep checking back! Thanks!

Last edited by KristaB

The blog post was updated on Dec. 3, 2018, to include the following:

Teva offers a generic version epinephrine auto-injector in limited areas in the U.S. It is available in 0.3 mg for $300 per two-pack. It will be released in larger quantities in the U.S., along with a 0.15 mg version, in 2019.

Kids With Food Allergies

FYI, we just filled a prescription for Auvi Q at Walgreens for $139 per 2pack. We didn’t qualify for any of the assistance programs so we decided to pay out of pocket. The pharmacist at Walgreens put their own “coupon” in the system (it may have been a GoodRx coupon but it was cheaper than what is quoted online for GoodRx) and charged us only $139 per 2 pack. That’s cheaper than the Auvi Q price for those not covered by insurance.

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