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It's 4 envelopes gelatin, and 4 cups liquid. I think I used about 2c applesauce and 2 c cider (I used 1 c of the cider to dissolve the gelatin, and heated the applesauce thinned with the rest of cider.) It is pretty flexible - you just need enough liquid to bloom the gelatin and keep the hot liquid fluid enough to dissolve the gelatin.  It will work with any fruit purรฉe EXCEPT fresh pineapple (canned is ok - fresh has an enzyme that keeps gelatin from setting).  I often make gelatin with strawberry purรฉe for DD.

 Welcome Megan!  We are glad you found us!!  


KFA has an entire forum dedicated to Celebrations.  There are even threads regarding foodless birthday treats!  You can find the forum here - http://community.kidswithfooda...ations_and_birthdays


There are some 'just sugar' recipes that you may find helpful -- http://www.kidswithfoodallergi...allergy_recipes.html


I am not sure of Meg's exact recipe, but you can post on the Celebration forum for more assistance.  What allergens are you avoiding??




Last edited by cheymom
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