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Tagged With "Gluten-Free"

Tagged With "Gluten-Free"

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    The price of these are expensive compared to other pastas, but since they have so much more protein and fiber, maybe it would be a good idea to mix these with your current gluten-free pasta to boost the nutrition of your meal. (If you can't afford to use these solely.)
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    I can't really speak for the author, but I've used those ingredients in my cooking as well, so I can speak to why I personally used them. With having to eliminate dairy from DS's diet we found that we needed to find alternative sources of protein and calcium. Adding brown rice protein powder and calcium powder to baked goods was one additional way we could help meet those nutritional needs.
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    Hi Christie, I didn't create the original recipe, but I can share my thoughts on using those ingredients in baking since I have used them as well. The brown rice powder helps increase the protein content of the dough. Many gluten-free flour blends do not have much protein and without protein, there isn't much "structure". Additionally, from a nutritional standpoint, you're increasing the grams of protein per serving by adding some brown rice protein powder. For the calcium, again, on an...
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    I've used calcium powder in baked goods too.....I use it in the form of calcium ascorbate. I've used it as a calcium supplement plus an acidifier for the recipe.Often I put a tsp or so into a muffin recipe to get more calcium in my family. None of us drink milk or an alternative regularly, so I know it's something missing in our diets. I know many use protein powder especially in gluten free baking to increase the protein content of their flour mix. It can help with the structure and...
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    I don't really know how to cook (thanks, food allergies, for making me learn!). How would I turn this into cream of chicken? Also, what kind of flour could I use if not using this recipe right away? (so it won't thicken so much)
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    To do cream of chicken, I normally saute onion and celery minced in the oil. Add the flour and blend that all up. Then instead of milk substitute, I use chicken stock. I generally use a rice flour blend - there is one called Kathy P's brown rice flour mix which is my go to. You can us? A commercial blend. I habe not tried it with garbanzo like this recioe. I use 1 tbsp fat, 1 tbsp flour, and 1 cup stock for a slightly thickened sauce. If I want it thicker, I go up to 1.5 tbsp fat/flour...
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    Couple of questions: 1) How long can this safely be stored in the fridge (i.e. could I make it this weekend and use it in a recipe Tuesday night?) 2) I suppose this could also be used as a base in a pot pie recipe for leftovers next weekend - if it does store, or can it be frozen? and 3) Does the coconut taste come through? (not a coconut fan...) I have never made a green bean casserole but now I want to try!
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    Hi Allison! I haven't made this recipe specifically, so I'm not sure on the storing or freezing of it, but I can answer your third question. We use the unsweetened coconut milk all the time--in the green SoDelicious box (the picture above shows the "original" SoDelicious coconut milk, which is slightly sweetened), in savory dishes like mac n' cheese, and mashed potatoes and we've never noticed a coconut flavor at all.
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    I don't find the green SoDe has a coconut flavor. I'm not a big fan of coconut flavor either, and that is my go to milk sub. I'm not sure how long it will store in the fridge. Some thickeners hold up better than others and I haven't use garbanzo flour. I find most times, if I use a gf flour mix, thickened things hold up pretty well or even get a little too thick and need to be thinned a little when I reheat it. I'd probably not keep it more than 3 days in the fridge. But that's more based on...
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    Thank you! Thank you! This was awesome in green bean casserole. I made a whole dairy free thanksgiving. I find it hard to tell my 5 year old (milk & peanut) he can't eat something and my husband loved it. It's his favorite and he said it was awesome. So if I could reach through the internet and hug you, I would.
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    I can't speak to this recipe, but because we avoid corn, I make a corn free (but NOT safe for milk or wheat food allergies) version of condensed cream of mushroom soup, with cream and flour , and I freeze it very successfully. This is despite the fact that most freezer resources tell you that you can't freeze cream-based, flour-based sauces without a loss of taste or texture. True, if you were using this as cream of mushroom soup, you'd need to add more milk to adjust for the thickness of...
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    Thank you for sharing your cream of mushroom soup recipe! Our family will try it. Our daughter struggles with EoE and she is learning to cook before she goes away to college in a few years. This is perfect for helping to widen her selection.
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    Hope the recipe works for you @Nina3712 The thought of sending if your kid off to college is hard. Throw in managing food allergies and it's really scary! Teaching basic cooking skills and finding easy recipe is a great way to prepare them. My daughter is in her second year and manages well. But she has "easy" allergies to avoid. We have a number of members on the forums who have kids in college or are gearing up to send them in the next couple years. This is a search of topics about dorm...
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    Thank you @KathyP13 really appreciate the resource! Yes, it's very scary and my daughter has a difficult diet, avoiding wheat, dairy, eggs, treenuts, fish/shellfish, legumes, chicken and a host of individual produce since she has EoE and OAS. Some produce is ok if she cooks it and breaks down the protein, but others even after being cooked, is difficult. Lots of fresh fruits not ok except organic berries and apples. She was just scoped and her lower esophagus is hardening We go for follow up...
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    Hi Nina, Welcome to KFA. . Glad to have you. I can certainly understand why you're concerned about college. We'll be there in a few years with our oldest. I would suggest that you start a new topic in our gi disorders forum - We have awesome members on our community and they should be able to give you some tips.
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    Jen, thank you so very much for the link *hugs* My daughter and I will check out the link (she plans to set up a profile soon; bombarded with her st the moment) and then we will read the thread you so kindly shared, and make a post to see what experiences others have had. Grateful to you!
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    This sounds easy to prepare & delish based on everyone's comments below! Just wondering if this might also work to make "cream of leek" soup? Thanks to my sulfite allergy I haven't been able to find a safe version & it's a soup my Great Aunt used to serve when I was small (~ 7y/o) so of course never thought to get her recipe back then...
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    @allergic rver , yes, it will work for other "cream of" soup options as well. You may need to adjust the liquid a bit as your leeks may not release as much liquid as mushrooms do, so just add a bit more if needed. Definitely let us know how it turns out and post pics!
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    Vegan Buttermilk Recipe Pour 1 Tbsp lemon juice or vinegar into a measuring cup Fill the measuring cup with a safe-for-you non-dairy milk (soy milk, coconut milk) until you reach 1 cup Let sit for 10 minutes or until it curdles Use as a 1:1 replacement for buttermilk in your recipes
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    Hi MRios, Since cocoa butter comes in irregularly-sized solid chunks, weighing is the best way to get the right amount. The recipe will forgive you for slight variations in weight (say, if your kitchen scale isn't super precise) but I'm afraid I don't have a volume measurement for the cocoa butter--and that could change depending on how finely you chop it. If you don't have a kitchen scale, maybe you could borrow one? (And just use a bowl or waxed paper to prevent possible CC from the scale?
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    Thank you so much! That helps a lot, I'll see if I can find one at Walmart or Michael's so I can get a candy thermometer, too. My niece has dairy, egg, nut allergies so I'm really excited to make her some goodies for Christmas this year! Thanks again!
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    I'm late coming back to the party here, but that's so awesome of you to make special chocolates for your niece! I hope they turn out great!
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    @MRios26 , did you ever find a candy thermometer? Don't forget to check it first by bringing water to boil and seeing what temperature it registers at boiling. You can figure out how much it's off by adding or subtracting that figure from 212 - water's boiling point.
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    @MRios26 One caveat to @K8sMom2002 's comment about the temperature water boils--this temp depends on elevation. I bake in the Mile High City, water boils a whole 10 degrees cooler up here due to less atmospheric pressure above me. If you aren't near the coasts and want to check your thermometer, google the water boiling point at your elevation first before assuming your thermometer is wrong.
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    Ever since the white kosher for Passover chips I used to buy were labeled for shared lines I have been bummed about missing white chocolate for my daughter. This is a great and timely and well done post with step by step instructions and explanations and pictures! Thanks so much. It could have come from my other favorite site "cooking for engineers". And I mean that as a compliment!
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    Thank you @Gloria ! I'm the daughter of an Engineer and I'm likely raising an Engineer, so I get what you're talking about. I definitely have an experimental mind I hope you enjoy and yes, we'd love to see your creations!
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    Hi Kathryn, Hope you are well. Thank you for publishing this vegan Pineapple cake recipe. It sure looks good. I need to attempt to make a gluten free version and will do so shortly but have one query. I noticed that there is no butter/margarine/oil in your recipe and wondered if this was being replaced by one of the other ingredients. Would welcome your confirmation so that I can proceed with making a gluten free version. Thnks. Have a lovely day. Cheers mork.