It's National Nutrition Month! When you think of "healthy", you don't normally think of ice cream. This one-ingredient recipe is free of all allergens (except banana) and is free of added sugar and fat. This recipe is great for children with multiple food allergies and/or eosinophilic disorders (if bananas are safe for your child). We've asked Meg Falciani to make the recipe and photograph it for you:
Frozen treats are always a challenge for food-allergy families. For many of us, commercial ice creams are not safe, and we often make our own treats. However, the hard part is most ice cream freezers need either significant freezer real estate and lead time, or specialty ingredients and equipment. This recipe needs neither! One ingredient, four steps, and a 4"x 4" space in the freezer. Loving it already! It's also a very kid-friendly recipe - even a preschooler can help prepare it! It's also a great alternative to banana bread for those lone extra-ripe bananas on the counter.
knife/cutting board
small container
small food processor (or blender)
We started with two ripe bananas.
Each banana makes just about 1/3 cup of "ice cream."
Peel your bananas. Here's a trick I recently learned -- trim the BOTTOM of the banana, and peel UP towards the stem. By doing it this way, all the "stringy bits" come off with the peel, and aren't left behind in the banana.

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