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Tagged With "Auvi-Q"

Tagged With "Auvi-Q"

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    UPDATE: We have official responses from EpiPen ™ and Auvi-Q ™ that they are not affected by a shortage of epinephrine. We do not have an official response from Adrenaclick ™ (or the generic version). If we receive more information, we will update here.
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    I called the number listed on the post as well about 45 minutes ago. I received a recorded message and then was asked to leave my name and number, which I did. I'm sure the company is working quickly to figure out how to get all the devices returned.
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    I received the 'No longer in service' recording as well to the number posted. I pulled the number listed in the AuviQ pamphlet (800-633-1610) and connected without issue. Be warned... I spent 1.25 hours on hold only to be spoon fed the same information we read in the notice above. However, they are sending me a shipping label to return my AuviQs, and told me to include any receipts for the new Epi's in the package for reimbursement. Unfortunately, they just don't have any confirmed...
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    Thanks for the update! I have one Epipen, Jr., so I am hoping to bring it back and forth to school without any hassle until I can get a refill. I think I will keep both Epipens and Auvi-Qs in the future in case this happens again.
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    So after reading the info from Sanofi regarding this recall, I am wondering if we are to assume the Auvi-Q's with Expiration dates prior to March 2016 are considered perfectly fine. I also am concerned about replacing all of the sets of Auvi-Q's we need right now, some kept at school, my ex-husbands house, other care providers, and extra on-hand when we are traveling in areas remote from emergency medical care, as well as for those times our primary pack of meds gets misplaced, frozen, or...
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    Amber B., I think any auvi-q that expires before March and which has a lot number that is not within the numbers listed is perfectly safe and I would use those first in case of an emergency. I have the same concern that there will be a run on Epipens and they may be hard to get. I contacted my pediatrician and allergist for refills as soon as I saw the recall.
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    Leslie, I hope you are correct about the Auvi-Q's with exp. dates sooner than March being fine to use. Another food allergy organization, Snack Safely, is posting that ALL Auvi-Q's are being recalled. There is no information regarding this question from Sanofi, etc., that I can find. Hopefully we will get more answers today, and there will be ways to ensure all can obtain the epinephrine they need to replace these Auvi-Q's, right away.
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    Lynda, It says all Auvi-Q's currently on the market and gives the numbers and dates, ones issued with March 2016+ expiration dates . Some of our Auvi-Q's, which are NOT currently on the market, expire in October 2015 and February 2016. These auvi-Q's are not referred to by Sanofi, the FDA, etc, thus the ambiguity. I will am in process of getting some EpiPens to replace all of our Auvi-Q's, but I cannot imagine being eligible to replace them all immediately, and certainly do not expect...
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    Amber, we will contact Sanofi to clarify. I can see why there's confusion. We were told all Auvi-Qs and the FDA recall says all Auvi-Qs. But the lot numbers in the recall don't include all Auvi-Qs that people have. Thanks! Lynda
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    Hello, fellow parents! I just hung up with the service agent I reached via the 800 # listed on the press release. I waited 40 minutes in queue first. They are sending a recall packet, which arrives in 5-10 biz days. Meanwhile, I can go to pharmacy and buy (out-of-pocket) a new epi (not Auvi-Q, as they are all being taken off shelves), and I'll be reimbursed the cost after I send in proof-of-purchase along with my recalled Auvi-Qs.
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    Update: We have confirmed this recall affects ALL Auvi-Q devices. It doesn't matter what lot number. Update: Sanofi confirms the phone number in the press release is correct. The lines have been overwhelmed by calls. They are adding more staff and opening more lines. The number will remain the same: 1-866-726-6340 Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET
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    Thanks for the update... I spoke with someone from Sanofi last evening and she told me my previous pens (not included in the recalled lot numbers) would be safe. However, she also indicated that they were only then getting detailed information and couldn't tell me more than the press release had stated. It made me nervous using an earlier device considering Sanofi has inferred that they are not exactly sure what is occurring with the dosing, thus making me concerned that ALL devices are...
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    I called waited 45 mins. Gave my name for the Return/ Reimbursement packet and asked about Oct 15 to Feb 16 Expiration dates and was told they were fine. So not sure if I trust it after y'all were told it is ALL DEVICES. I got one set of replacements. Called my insurance company and they over ruled to allow me to get another set tomorrow (pharmacy only had one set on the shelf). They allowed because need at least two sets at school since one set is locked in office and one set is in my child...
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    My Target pharmacy called me yesterday to make sure that I knew about the recall and she told me that they were asking their patients to bring their recalled Auvi-Qs to the pharmacy when they pick up their new prescription. I was able to fill one Epipen, Jr. prescription and my second will be filled when their truck arrives (they were completely out of Epipen, Jrs. and only had one Epipen on the shelf). I don't know if all pharmacies are calling their patients and handling the recall for...
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    This has been vey confusing, as to whether ALL Auvi-Q's are under the recall up to this point. Many on the Sanofi Lines were told it was only limited to Auvi-Q's with Expiration dates of March 2016 and later, with the lot numbers described for those Auvi-Q's. I myself received a return phone call from the FDA confirming exactly the same information, and that those Auvi-Q's with exp. dates of February 2016 and before should be fine. NOW SANOFI HAS REMOVED ALL DOUBT: ALL AUVI-Q AUTO-INJECTORS...
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    Thanks for a great webinar! Very informative and helpful. I noticed the babysitting handout shown on one of the last slides wasn't included in your list of links here, I was able to find it on my own, but thought I would point that out in case you want to add it. Thanks!
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    In case this offers any additional information, here's a recent NPR article. How To Save Money On Prescription Drugs, Insured Or Not SEPTEMBER 16, 2015 6:08 AM ET
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    Anyone else having issues with the generic epi not working? We are fighting for the brand so we know it works well for our daughter. She was in a panic when the generic epi wouldn't work. She is so afraid of them now. How can I get her brand if I have insurance? Thank goodness we were home to grab an epi pen I had in the kitchen drawer!
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    What do you mean by "not working?" It wouldn't fire? By the way, we just published updates on our blog about the branded one: http://community.kidswithfooda...costs-of-epinephrine
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    Yes, it would not fire. We tried both pens in the pack and neither would fire. I remembered I had epi pens I refilled in May before insurance made us go generic. I ran and grabbed them. It worked as always. My daughter still has bruises from where we tried to inject the generic pens a week later. I will never trust them again. Stef
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    Uh, just use a syringe? It's about twenty bucks, medicine included. Seriously, for a family that can't afford food if they purchase an auto-injector, a syringe takes a bit of training and provides the same medicine. Yes, an auto-injector is nice, but not everybody can afford it.
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    Hi Taric, Welcome to KFA. What food allergies do you manage? A syringe can be an option. However, in an emergency, it can be difficult to draw up the meds quickly. I was just talking re that w an er nurse the other day. But...still better than not having epinephrine for sure.
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    I have idiopathic anaphylaxis. I'm told it's a form of a mast cell disorder. All it means is that I can become anaphylactic to anything at anytime. Example- I just had knee replacement surgery. I had been taking my pain medicine less than recommended for about two weeks. When I took it the next time I needed it, I went into anaphylaxis. Another one is sometimes I walk out the door and I go into anaphylaxis. I do have known food allergies, but I avoid them. So anytime, anywhere. My kids have...
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    The end of last week, my doctor talked to the insurance. He got me brand epi pens back. But I am still only allowed a two pack every 23 days as their prescription plan does for all drugs. Errrr! Thank goodness my daughter and I use the same dose in epi's now. Doctor said to fill it every 23 days until I get three packs. Then replace as needed. Stef
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    That's scary that you're having to use your DD's epinephrine as a backup plan for you. What if your daughter needs those epinephrine auto-injectors?
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    That's an issue. She's out until I refill hers. The insurance is more lenient with kids. They know the school requires one with the refill tag on it as does the church, one at home and one on her. I keep her epi that stays home in my towel drawer. So kind of a built in back up. I couldn't believe when I picked up the recent brand refill, it was $600 before insurance. Stef Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone
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    Hurley, here's an updated blog post about epinephrine auto-injectors ... looks like some of the branded auto-injectors will soon have a generic option . Maybe that will help you?