Labor Day BBQ
by Linda Marienhoff Coss
Labor Day is just around the corner, which means it’s time to fire up the grill for the traditional end-of-summer barbecue! Whether you’re entertaining a crowd or just preparing a nice meal for your own family, these recipes are sure to please.
Linda’s Signature Grilled Chicken
Grilled Zucchini Ribbons
New Potato Salad
Linda's Signature Grilled Chicken
You're going to love this recipe! This amazingly easy chicken dish has become one of my summertime standards, enjoyed by my friends, my children, and my friends' children.
Preparation time:
3 minutes
Marinating time:
30 minutes
Cooking time:
16 to 20 minutes
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
2 Tbs olive oil
1/2 Tbs freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/2 tsp lemon pepper
4 boneless skinless chicken breast halves
canola or vegetable oil for brushing on grill
Photo courtesy of Linda Coss
Place vinegar, oil, lemon juice, and lemon pepper in a small bowl or measuring cup; mix well. Place chicken in a single layer in a large sealable plastic bag; add marinade. Seal bag and shake gently to coat. Refrigerate 15 minutes. Turn bag over, keeping chicken in a single layer. Refrigerate for an additional 15 minutes. (Note: If desired, can be marinated up to 24 hours.)
Heat gas grill, then brush grill with oil.
Place marinated chicken on prepared grill of heated barbecue. Discard excess marinade. Cover barbecue and cook for 8 to 10 minutes over medium heat. Turn chicken over. Cover and cook for an additional 8 to 10 minutes, until juices run clear when chicken is pierced with a fork. Serve hot.
Makes 4 servings (1 chicken breast half each).
Note: Although this chicken is fabulous from the grill, it is not particularly good broiled. So if you live in a cold climate, save this recipe for barbecue season.
Reprinted with permission from What Else is to Eat? The Dairy-, Egg-, and Nut-Free Food Allergy Cookbook by Linda Marienhoff Coss, available at
Grilled Zucchini Ribbons
This is one of my favorite ways to prepare zucchini.
Preparation time: 6 minutes
Cooking time: 6 to 8 minutes
1-1/2 pounds zucchini (about 3 medium zucchini)
1/3 cup olive oil
1 teaspoon bottled minced garlic
Preheat barbecue.
Trim ends off zucchini and then slice zucchini lengthwise into 1/4-inch-thick slices; place on a cookie sheet. Place oil and garlic in a small bowl or measuring cup; mix well. Brush oil mixture onto both sides of zucchini slices.
Remove zucchini slices from cookie sheet and place on the heated grill. Cook 2 to 3 minutes per side or until done. Serve immediately.
Makes 4 servings.
Reprinted with permission from What Else is to Eat? The Dairy-, Egg-, and Nut-Free Food Allergy Cookbook by Linda Marienhoff Coss, available at
Zucchini is in season right now! (Photo courtesy of Melanie Carver)
New Potato Salad
This is a wonderful potato salad for picnics and potlucks; because it doesn't contain any mayonnaise it won't spoil the moment you get it out into the sun!
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 35 minutes
2 pounds red-skinned new potatoes
4 green onions, trimmed and cut into thin slices
3 Tbs apple cider vinegar
½ cup olive oil
1 tsp Dijon mustard
garlic salt, to taste
freshly ground black pepper, to taste
Place potatoes in 4-quart pot and cover with water by about 1/2 inch; add a pinch of salt to water in pot. Bring to a boil, then cover and reduce heat to simmer. Simmer for about 25 minutes or until a knife easily pierces the center of the largest potato. Drain in colander.
When potatoes have cooled slightly, cut into approximately ¾-inch chunks (if you used tiny potatoes you may not need to cut them). Put cut potatoes in large serving bowl. Add green onions.
To prepare vinaigrette, stir together apple cider vinegar, olive oil,Dijon, garlic salt, and pepper until well blended. Pour vinaigrette over potato mixture and gently toss to coat. Serve either at room temperature or cold. Can be prepared one day ahead of serving.
Makes 8 servings (3/4 cup each)
Reprinted with permission from What’s to Eat? The Milk-Free, Egg-Free, Nut-Free Food Allergy Cookbook by Linda Marienhoff Coss, available at
About the Author

Known as one of the “pioneers” in the food allergy world, Linda Coss is the author of three popular food allergy books: “How to Manage Your Child’s Life-Threatening Food Allergies,” “What’s to Eat? The Milk-Free, Egg-Free, Nut-Free Food Allergy Cookbook,” and “What Else is to Eat? The Dairy-, Egg-, and Nut-Free Food Allergy Cookbook.” All three books are available at
A former food allergy support group leader, Linda is the mother of a son, soon to be a college graduate, who has multiple life-threatening food allergies. Linda lives in Southern California, where she works as a freelance marketing writer.
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