Have you had issues with undeclared sesame or sesame hiding in foods? We need your story to submit to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to prove the need for allergen labeling for sesame in the U.S. Send us your examples of the following to advocacy@aafa.org.
- Foods with undeclared sesame - these are foods where a) “sesame” is not listed in the ingredients, and b) you confirmed separately that there is sesame in the product.
- Food labels where sesame is listed in the ingredients under an unusual name like “tahini” or “benne.”
Provide as much information as possible:
- Images of the front of the food package label
- Ingredients list
- Any written correspondence with the company or test results confirming that sesame is present
- The exact circumstances of exposure, including how you knew sesame was in the food
The effects of the reaction, including hospital stays, treatment received, and any lasting health impacts
Thank you for assisting us with our advocacy efforts to improve labeling in the U.S.!
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