Thanks for the kind comments everyone! People have asked about the recipe. The book cake pan requires more than one recipe. So I made a marble cake, mixing one batch of the Crazy Cake recipe, and a second batch of the white cake recipe that was also highlighted on this site (it was the base of a Rainbow Cake). The decorations are made from either homemade fondant (just marshmallows, powdered sugar and a little water), or homemade modeling chocolate (using dairy, egg, and nut-free chips from...
I had an anaphalactic reaction after eating one of these bars for breakfast last year. I lost consciousness while on the phone to my mother and was taken to the ER via ambulance after she called a neighbor. I assumed it was something else I must have come into contact with (although it was the only thing I had eaten that morning). I stupidly continued to eat the bars, getting sick every time (although not as bad). I thought it must have been one of the other ingredients, since it was milk...
The base is 2 - 9x13 cakes (trimmed on the edges). I used dowels between that and the hat. The hat is 4 - 9" round wacky cakes with dowels that support the brim and bunny. the brim is 2 frosted cake boards. The bunny is homemade marshmallow fondant. In between the layers is homemade frosting with crushed birthday cake oreos mixed in. This is only my second time making a 3D cake so it's far from perfect, but I tried to cover up the mistakes the best I could. I misjudged the size of the dowels...
1. Are there any laws regarding inclusion that I can reference when my child's school repeatedly tries to schedule food-centric activities that by their very nature exclude my food allergic child? We have a 504 for her which provides her with a food-free classroom, but there are many cases where several classrooms come together to do these food-centric activities, and this is when the problems arise. Is there a certain part of the ADA I could refer them to? 2. What exactly is 'inclusion'? I...
Thank you for sharing these tips and recipes! When I have to make one in a rush--I put a box of Enjoy Life soft baked cookies (gluten, dairy, egg, nut free) into a bag and smash them up...then I just press them into the pie plate! The snickerdoodles are great as a base for pumpkin pie!
Couple of questions: 1) How long can this safely be stored in the fridge (i.e. could I make it this weekend and use it in a recipe Tuesday night?) 2) I suppose this could also be used as a base in a pot pie recipe for leftovers next weekend - if it does store, or can it be frozen? and 3) Does the coconut taste come through? (not a coconut fan...) I have never made a green bean casserole but now I want to try!
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