I'm so excited for this new size! I've signed up to be notified when it becomes available. Since DS also carries his spacer/inhaler, having a smaller epi device will make a huge difference in the emergency pack he can wear.
This new design will be much easier for men to carry in their pockets. Many men and teens don't want to carry the current epi devices because they're too bulky to fit in their pockets. I hope this new design will increase compliance and save lives. It will also be easier to fit in cute little evening bags, so high school girls will be likely to carry their epis to dances (like prom and homecoming). When I go to military balls, it's hard to find evening bags that can accommodate my epis.
The size of this device will actually create more issues than solve. Its small size will resemble many other small devices or items one may carry in a purse or pocket. (smart phones etc.) When it is a panic situation and you are digging through a purse or pocket for this gadget it will only make the situation worse. Also, it takes a total of 34 seconds to go throught the process of using this gadget. This includes listening to all the prompts. Way to long in my opionion. People dont have...
to KFA mj!! You've brought up some intriguing points! It will be interesting to see how Sanofi will address these issues by the time it becomes available. I have heard that they will be taking their time to do large scale education and marketing before they release the product. I don't think the size will be an issue for me personally, as I have a dedicated bag and compartment in my purse for emergency meds, but I can see how it might be a problem for a few folks. I know that my DH will be...
Interesting points. In terms of locating the device, I would imagine most people would keep them in their med/Epi bags--at least that's what I do with our Epi-Pens--I keep them in a case within my bag so I can access them fast if necessary (and labeled in case someone else has to fish them out). My husband keeps his set in a case in his briefcase. If we get the Auvi-Q, I would just put them in there, and maybe get smaller cases. Is it only able to be used with the audio prompts? I thought...
Preparing Your Child To Live With Food Allergies: Helping Your Kids Become Independent Young Adults Although it may be hard to imagine, your children will leave home someday. The risk of exposure to food allergies doesn't go away as they grow into independent young adults. Watch this video as Lynda shares the following tips that have worked to empower her son to manage his own food allergies. Involve them at an early age to take responsibility for their own food allergy management. Empower...
Training videos for all available epinephrine autoinjectors are available at: Adrenaclick™ ( www.adrenaclick.com ) Auvi-Q™ ( www.auvi-q.com ) Epinephrine Injection, USP auto-injector, authorized generic (AG) of Adrenaclick™ ( www.epinephrineautoinject.com ) EpiPen™ and EpiPen Jr™ ( www.epipen.com ) REFERENCES Product information for Adrenaclick™. Amedra Pharmaceuticals LLC. Horsham, PA 19044. June 2012. Product information for Auvi-Q™. Sanofi-Aventis U.S. Bridgewater, NJ 08807. September...
thank you for posting this video! I'm 23 years old and I have been living with food allergies since I was 8 years old. My parents have taught me how to live safely with food allergies since I had my first allergic reaction when I was younger. My mom (bless her heart) taught me how to use the Epipen after I got prescribed one since she carries one for a bee sting allergy. Since then, I ALWAYS read ingredients and food labels to make sure what I'm eating doesn't have anything I'm allergic to...
This will eliminate the necessity of training to administer epinephrene. Even after getting trained, a lot of people are hesitant to give the injection and things get delayed. If this spray gets approved, it has the potential to save a lot of lives.
This is such BS. It takes a school nurse 30 minutes to train staff. More is better, but that is all they need to know how to use the auto-injector. On top of that, if they choose to supply with Auvi-Q the auto-injector has audible instructions when you pull the cap to walk anyone through how to use it. They are worried about being on the hook for an unnecessary hospital visit, but is the potential death of a student really worth the risk?
My kiddo is in this school district and having interacted with these schools I'm guessing the problem is more complex than the article has let on. The following is my speculation as a parent. The reason given in the article "The Weatherford Independent School District says they feel that they can’t have someone trained to give an epinephrine auto-injector during all times the school is open." Isn't just regarding the inconvenience of training - all the teachers and admins go through the...
I just want to confirm (being a parent with a child with an egg allergy) that i'm not missing something and that this contains egg? it should be safe for my son, correct?
All of the Enjoy Life Foods products are egg-free and their mixes require no use of eggs! Here is a link to more information on their products and what ingredients they are free from.
Thank you for sharing your experience with us, Steven & Jody! You will remain in my prayers. 🙏🏼 I can’t even begin to imagine..... With tears in my eyes from your story above, I think of our youngrst son who has both food allergies & asthma. Stay strong! And please continue to spread your experience with the world, so we can educate more people on the dangers of asthma & food allergies! Much love to you both ❤️
Thank you Steven & Jody. My heart goes out to you for your loss. There are no words. I wish you the best, and hope you find comfort in helping others by telling your story. It is such a tragedy. Cameron looked like a very sweet and promising young man. Heartfelt wishes for solace.
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